Sunday 31 May 2015

Sunday today :)

I have been thinking.... About many things.. Many a times... So this is my medium to put forward my thoughts about thinking things!!!

Today is Sunday. Holiday.

What are Sundays supposed to be for?

What do we do on Sundays?

We think about this day all days of the week. About doing things we want to do on Sunday but what do we really end up doing?
Just managing to switch on TV and lying all day long in bed. Well that sounds a perfect Sunday for me!!

Doing chores, pampering yourself by maybe a good long shower bath in hot water, going for a walk in the evening, pondering things of how life is shaping up for us, catching up with friends, spending time with family or friends or just our own little self!! 

Sundays give us that much needed sleep, breakway  from mundane and actually redeem ourselves to be and do things better this week. Its the start of a week. A beginning. A day were we just engage busy completing chores or lazying around, but it's a day which let's us be us in our real pajamas or shorts self were we are our own.

A day we await longingly.. A day so important that without it.. We cannot imagine life.

So go ahead.. Live it up your Sunday..!! Be yourself. Love yourself. Keep thinking!!!